Among them the asymmetry of the rate that equips equipment of information and utilization ratio is a piece of serious problem. 其中信息设备装备率与利用率的不对称就是一个较严重的问题。
Through the application of this system, equipment utilization ratio is increased, maintenance expense is reduced, production output is increased and production quality is improved. 通过本系统的实施,提高了设备利用率、降低了设备维修费用,提高了产品产量、改善了产品品质、确保了安全生产。
Utilizing domestic POY equipment to develop polyester many-hole microfilaments fibre, the equipment utilization ratio was improved. Through adjusting the process parameters, products that satisfied consumer were produced. 利用国产POY系列设备,开发涤纶细旦多孔纤维,提高设备利用率,通过工艺的合理调整,生产出用户满意产品。
This paper introduces some effective ways enhancing equipment level of large hydropower project, improving availability of equipment and utilization ratio of equipment through the efficient managements means. These ways can reduce engineering construction cost and shorten construction period. 提高大型水电工程施工设备的装备水平并通过有效管理来提高设备的完好率和利用率,是降低工程施工成本和缩短工期的有效途径。
Practice of this two kinds of management patt-erns has closed and coordinated the relations of production and equipment repair, and it results in higher utilization ratio of equipment and higher productivity. 两种管理模式的实施,密切和协调了生产与设备维修的关系,使设备的利用率以及生产率提高。
Referring to the target measurement systems in a modern shooting range, data fusion for different measuring equipment is very important and effective to improve the comprehensive precision of target measurement and the utilization ratio of various instrumentations. 在现代靶场测量系统中,将不同测量设备测量数据进行融合处理以提高系统的综合测量水平和设备的使用效率。
The experimental equipment utilization condition is that the majority experimental equipments utilization ratio is very low. 实验器材使用情况是大部分实验器材利用率较低;
This con-troller is applied in the reverse osmosis water-treatment equipment to control the conductivity real-time. This method raises the working efficiency of the equipment and the utilization ratio of water in reverse osmosis pro-cess. 将模糊-积分控制器应用于反渗透水处理设备中,结果证明可实现水处理过程电导率实时自动控制,提高了反渗透水处理过程中设备的工作效率和原水的利用率。
Comparing the Mechanics and the electromagnetic experiment, mechanics experiment equipment utilization ratio is relative higher; the electromagnetic experiment equipment utilization ratio is relative lower. 力学和电磁学实验相比较,力学实验器材使用率相对较高,电磁学实验器材使用率相对较低。
The adoption of equipment fabricated with polypropylene materials can reduce equipment damage by corrosion and abrasion and improve the utilization ratio of the equipment. 使用由聚丙烯材料加工制得的设备可减少因腐蚀、磨蚀等因素引起的设备损坏,提高设备使用率。
Use fuzzy evaluation method and select pump effectivity, system effectivity, well productivity, economic benefit and equipment utilization ratio as objective function to optimize the best scheme. 采用模糊评判方法,选择泵效、系统效率、产量、经济效益、设备利用率多个目标函数对方案进行优选。